Sunday, October 18, 2009

Lesson learnt.

Never, I repeat, NEVER do anything for people. The best way is just to be selfish. I'm damn damn pissed. Whats the use of doing something and going out of the way just to help a friend, when they are just going to turn around and kick you in the ass. And mind you, I didnt expect this from YOU cause I thought you would understand since you are older than all of us. Well whatever. Looks like age is really only a number. People should start judging age by your mentality. WHATEVER LA. At least now I know and thank God this was like a wake up call. I'm just gonna be selfish from now on, and keep to myself. Whatever I want, I do. Not stupid favors for people anymore. Luckily, I'm disappearing back to Ipoh tomorrow and NEVER having to deal with people like you anymore. For the time being at least. But whatever. Even after I come back I know how to keep my distance la. Call me childish, but enough is enough. I hate being pushed around by people, and I've taken enough shit my whole life. Its about time I put a stop to it.

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