Saturday, November 28, 2009

King of Hearts&Queen of Spades.

I'm back in Sunway for the weekend. I quit my job! hahahaha! Made friends with the Kitchen Crew as Sherlyn would say. Hahahaa. They are really nice people. Too bad I don't have pictures of them cause I think they are camera shy. Hahaha. Anyway, Ipoh is pretty boring if it wasn't for them and of course Julie who I keep meeting/bumping into/sometimes planned outings to Baroom, Scandal Christable and Mangsa Preeta. Hahahaha! Some happenings I took from FB. 


Playing Black Jack and check out my cards! :P

Being the alcoholics that we are. :)

They have Hoegaarden in Ipoh! weeeeeeee~ No need to go Jaya One or Library anymore when I can happily drink this in Grrey. Hahaha. But its a bit more expensive, RM28 I think for a glass.

Today Daniel is spending the WHOLE day with me. So happpyyyyy! After not seeing him for a month. :)
He was helping me clean my room cause my mirror broke, while I just sat on the bed and Facebook-ed. I'm so hopeless. Haha. Poor boy was sweating when he was done, and complained about me reproducing hair every time he sweeps an area of the room. What a retard. Went to Helo Bali, Preeta was drunk, and he seemed like he was in a bad mood. Grr. Being the victim for something you didn't do really sucks. Anyway, Goodnight! :)

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