Jessie came up with the idea of a plain cover n me&my twin Niniek both had the same idea of making the cover white so that people could get their friend's signatures on the front n back cover of the magazine instead of inside.. N I chose the writing of the "CIMP semester book" then the other members voted on which writing to choose.. When I look at my book, i see so little signatures.. haha.. so malas to ask people to sign.. but luckily, those who did sign my book were special people *winks*
anyway, for the dinner, we went to Dome's in Subang Parade.. We were supposed to go to TGIF but it was packed, and there were 9 of us.. 4 lectures and 5 students.. These are all those who went..
Miss Janie&Mr Tan[paparazzi] Suyin&Carmen
My twin&I
[i look so ADF in this pic la although i was smiling]
We all ate and talked and spent most of the time laughing at the conversations we had.. After yesterday, the lecturers all knew our secret.. Especially bout Niniek's Mr Cutesy, my Cute Guy, and Carmen's Jor Ji.. hahahahaha.. The best part is, Miss Janie rated Niniek's Mr Cutesy a level 3[a level 2 at first, but after Niniek started making noise she gave chance la.. hahaha..] and when she knew about Cute Guy, she rated him a level 4!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hahahahahaha.. level 4 is the highest btw.. IN YOUR FACE TWIN NINIEK! hahahaha.. for all the times u said my Cute Guy was not as cute as ur retarded Mr Cutesy.. hahaha.. the best part is, Miss Janie had to see Mr Cutesy's picture coz she didnt know who was he right, but she knew Cute Guy although she didnt teach him so she didnt have to see his pic.. hahahahaa! she actually noticed that he was good looking.. so now we know what lecturers actually do.. hahahaa.. Anyway, Mr Tan bought us gifts, and this is mine!!!
WOWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!! a toy coke truck!! so cool!! lookin on how much im addicted to coke n how i laughed till i nearly died at Suyin's "Coke is my best friend" and "this coke is giving me a headache" and "ur gonna go to coke hell!" HHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA.. anyway.. mr tan got carmen 3 rubber ducks.. it was like a family the mom,dad,n kid.. so we all said it was her, Jor Ji, and their kid.. hahaha.. ohhh! the best! he got May a map!! funny la that girl.. so blur.. dont even know the diff between her stomach and her face..
Then then then!! here come the best part.. WE'RE LEAVIN FOR PERHENTIAN TOMORROW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee~
i cant wait! going to my favourite place in the world[beaches] with a bunch of really really cool people!! too bad Niniek is not goin.. i really wish she could go!!!! SO SAD!! anyway, PERHENTIAN, HERE WE COMEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!