Anyways, I shall just blog about nonsense&pretty pictures.
Let people say whatever they want to say about you. You know your own capabilities in life. Its only once the lights are off that they would see your glow.
Sparkle, like the stars in the dark. Let no one, nothing ever bring you down.
We hold our own magic in our hands.
Okay as I was browsing through some pics, I saw these pics and I just had to blog about it. Hahahah. I want a guy like these two. HOTTTTTTTTNESS!
And of course my Chuck Bass, my eternal love. :)
Then I came across pics of animals. ALL WERE SO CUTE OKAY! So I just took the first three that I saw. Hehe.
How I wish I owned a zoo. Really.
*pictures all taken from some tumblr. The three quotes below the first three pictures were my own.